Young Americans Schools of Self-defense is a program offered through the state of Minnesota that teaches self-defense strategies to children of all ages and abilities. Instruction emphasizes self-defense, not aggression, and teaches respect for parent and others in authority. As a non-profit organization, our low cost classes are taught by black belt instructors who love working with youth and adults. Check out our program information sheets for more information and classes near you.
Student are taught how to recognize the six major attack categories (frontal, side, rear, weapons, multiple assailants or gang, and non-standing attacks), how to utilize preemptive interventions and verbal deterrents, how to effectively employ physical techniques to subdue and assailant and thereby end the assault, and how to successfully use proven escape maneuvers to extract themselves from any potentially dangerous situation.
Young Americans Schools of Self-defense (a Minnesota Non-Profit Corporation) is an exciting self-defense and safety awareness program for children ages 4 and up. We teach one 45-minute class per week and have two, 12 week sessions in spring and fall with a slightly shorter session during the summer each year. Our instructors are certified black-belts who have been trained in the “Stay of out of reach”, “Run, Yell, Tell”, and “Stranger Danger” curricula. At the conclusion of each session, new students, if interested, can earn the certified yellow belt and higher ranked students can test and earn next belt on the road to black belt rank status.
This program is highly successful in every community it is presented. We have received the acclaim of children, their parents, school officials, youth organizations, parks and recreation departments, and many others.
Our instructors arrive one half hour before scheduled classes that teach youth, and adults too, in non-counterstriking, non-aggressive self-defense techniques. As an adjunct to self-defense training, our students learn personal esteem, respect for others, self-discipline, physical fitness, and positive familial relationships. At the conclusion of each semester, students are eligible for certified belt rank promotions, and every child or adult receives a number of participation and recognition awards.